Returns Policy
You may return most items within 30 days of delivery for a refund. Customers are responsible for the return shipping costs, unless the return is for a faulty or incorrect item. In these cases, please email us to arrange this before you ship the item back
Please note that we are unable to exchange items unless damaged, defective, or incorrect. If you would like a different size or item, you will need to place a new order.
We cannot accept returns of certain items, including:
- Made to order and print on demand items, including all Find Your School and Family merchandise.
- Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery.
- Any item that is not in its original condition, has been damaged, or is missing parts.
- Digital and physical gift cards.
You can pack and send your return to us in just a few simple steps:
First, get in contact with our team to let us know you need to make a return. This can be done over email.
Then, securely pack the item with your original order number and send it to us at the following address:
The University of Edinburgh Gift Shop
2 Charles Street
United Kingdom
We recommend returning your order using a tracked service. We are not liable for your order while it is in transit back to us.
Items can also be returned or exchanged by bringing them in-store.